I genuinely dislike computer science, but that won’t stop me from earning my degree by 2023.
It’s no secret that computer science classes can be challenging. In fact, they’re often referred to as “hard classes.” But don’t let that stop you! If you’re willing to put in the effort and effort, you can conquer any obstacle and earn your degree – I know I will!
It’s no secret that computer science can be a difficult subject to understand. Even for self-starters, understanding the fundamentals of programming and coding may prove challenging. But with dedication and hard work, even those without extensive technical background can gain knowledge–turning the “I hate computer science” problem on its head! Let’s take a look at how to get started in this area of expertise.
Getting Started with Computer Science
When it comes to learning computer science, there are plenty of resources online – and more emerging daily! Here are two strategies you can use as a starting point:
- Find a tutorial or online course – There are plenty of tutorials and courses available online, free or for purchase, that provide detailed step-by-step instructions on how to begin coding. Some even provide hands-on practice so you can apply what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios.
- Create Your Own Project – If you don’t feel confident taking an online course or tutorial, try creating one from scratch instead. With the freedom to explore different concepts at your own pace and conquer any barriers that make you say “I hate computer science,” this can be an ideal opportunity to hone problem-solving skills as well as gain a greater grasp on coding concepts.
No matter which approach you take, make sure to devote a significant amount of time each day or week solely to conquering “I hate computer science.” The more effort and time put into it, the better equipped you will be when applying what you’ve learned in a professional environment.

Practice Makes Perfect
Once you possess some basic understanding of programming fundamentals, practice is key to make those concepts stick in your memory and become second nature. Try creating projects on your own or collaborate with other aspiring coders so ideas can be exchanged and new techniques discussed among peers. Furthermore, test any code written frequently so any errors are caught before moving forward; this will guarantee quality results when applying these skills professionally.
Why do I Hate Computer Science?
Computer science doesn’t have to be intimidating or overwhelming; with enough practice and dedication, anyone can learn the fundamentals! As long as self-starters stay organized and committed in their approach–whether by finding tutorials/courses online or creating projects from scratch–they’ll eventually develop the necessary skillset needed for success in this field. So take advantage of all available resources today–you might just be amazed at what’s possible!
1. I’m not cut out for it
My inadequacy as a programmer is why I declare “I hate computer science.” Clearly, I lack the aptitude and interest in it to make it worthwhile, so instead of continuing with this field of study, I will move on.
2. It’s too difficult
Computer science is uncomplicated and I lack the confidence to succeed. It’s one of the most arduous fields out there, and I just don’t believe I possess what it takes to excel in it.
3. I’m not a math person
I detest computer science because it’s all math. I just can’t seem to grasp the concepts and theories involved.
4. It’s too theoretical
I find computer science to be overly abstract, with concepts that are difficult to apply in real-world scenarios.
5. There’s too much coding
Computer science isn’t my forte because there’s too much coding involved. Coding isn’t my forte and I don’t consider myself particularly proficient at it – which may explain why I find the field so frustrating.
6. It’s not creative enough for me
I dislike computer science because it lacks creativity. While math and science can be fun, computer science doesn’t really allow for that kind of expression.
7. It’s too competitive
Computer science can be a difficult field to break into due to its intense competition. There are so many talented individuals out there, and I doubt if I will ever measure up.
8. It’s not practical enough for me
Computer science isn’t practical enough for me; much of it is theoretical. What I need is something practical I can apply in the real world.
Computer science can be both rewarding and difficult. It requires creative problem-solving, an understanding of complex algorithms, and an aptitude for math. If you are studying computer science, chances are good that at some point you will feel overwhelmed by the subject matter. That’s okay–it happens to us all. Here is how you can manage discouragement when it arises:
Be Aware of Your Why: Define why you are pursuing this degree in the first place and be mindful of why. Remind yourself regularly of your goals, and keep track of how far along you have already made. When feeling discouraged, remember to celebrate past accomplishments!
Find Support: Reach out to friends or family who are supportive of your academic pursuits, or connect with other students facing similar struggles as yourself. Working together can offer encouragement and insight that will drive you further along the way. Additionally, consider seeking professional counseling if needed–they offer tailored advice tailored specifically for each individual situation.
Take Breaks & Celebrate Wins: It is essential to take breaks occasionally so you don’t get burned out too quickly. Take time off for self-care activities like hobbies or leisure pursuits that make you feel relaxed and refreshed mentally and emotionally. Furthermore, celebrate every accomplishment no matter how small; doing so can increase motivation by showing progress toward achieving your overall goals.
Computer Science can be a challenging field, but don’t let discouragement get the better of you! By understanding why you chose this path and finding support along the way, as well as taking breaks and celebrating wins – no matter how small – you will eventually succeed! Redditors studying Computer Science: remember these tips next time discouragement sets in! Best wishes!

Why I Hate Computer Science
- I hate computer science because it’s hard.
- I hate computer science because it’s boring.
- I hate computer science because it’s too theoretical.
- I hate computer science because it’s too mathematical.
- I hate computer science because it requires a lot of memorization.
- I hate computer science because it’s difficult to find a job in the field.
- I hate computer science because the industry is constantly changing.
- I hate computer science because there is a lot of competition for jobs.
- I hate computer science because it’s male-dominated.
At the start of college, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to major in. After taking a variety of classes across different subjects, computer science seemed like the perfect blend of all my interests. Although it wasn’t always easy and it felt like I was always behind on assignments, looking back now I realize how much this major has helped me both professionally and personally – lessons it taught me that will last a lifetime. Here’s why:
- My education provided me with a strong foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving.
- My degree program equipped me with the skills to learn independently and continue my education even after graduation.
- My experience taught me the power of a growth mindset–the idea that intelligence and ability are not fixed traits but can be developed through hard work and practice.
- It has taught me the significance of collaboration and working effectively with others.
- It has taught me how to remain determined when times get difficult and find joy in the struggle.
- Finally, this experience gave me the courage to pursue my ambitions and launch my own business.
If you’re feeling lost or uncertain about your future, remember that you are not alone–I have also been there. And whatever you do, don’t give up on your dreams just because they seem difficult at first; trust me, the reward will be worth all the effort in the end.
Many college students have this experience – you choose one major, only to discover it’s not quite right for you. That was certainly the case with me when I chose computer science as my major. After three years of studying and taking classes, however, I came to realize I hated computer science and needed to make a change. Here is my story about how this realization occurred and the steps I took next.
Making the decision to pursue computer science as a career wasn’t an easy one; after all, I had been fascinated with technology since high school and believed it was the path for me. Yet as time passed, certain elements of the field started becoming too demanding. Programming classes that had initially intrigued me quickly became tedious and monotonous, while theory-based courses felt lacking in practical applications. Furthermore, competition among my peers made studying feel like competing rather than an opportunity for growth and learning.
As I moved through college, it became apparent to me that while certain elements of computer science still interested me, they weren’t enough to sustain my interest for four or more years. Instead, I sought ways to combine different disciplines – like psychology and programming – in order to create something truly original and captivating. At that point, I knew it was time for a change; thus began researching different fields until landing on human-computer interaction (HCI).
If you’re thinking about a career in computer science but aren’t particularly fond of math, it’s understandable to be concerned about how much mathematical proficiency is necessary. After all, the field is often associated with numbers and formulae; thus, many may wonder if proficiency in this subject would be required for success.
The short answer is no; many aspects of computer science don’t necessitate any significant mathematical knowledge. This is because computer science encompasses more than just coding and programming–it also involves design, development, and analysis. Some areas–like web design–require little or no mathematical background at all.
Although not a prerequisite, certain fields of computer science do require some understanding of mathematics. If you’re interested in artificial intelligence (AI) or data mining, then probability and statistics will likely be essential. Likewise, developing algorithms for software applications or operating systems requires familiarity with basic concepts like set theory and graph theory – topics usually taught at an introductory level during college courses that can be learned quickly and easily.
Ultimately, the amount of math necessary for success in computer science depends on which area(s) of the field you choose to explore. While some areas require more advanced mathematical knowledge than others, remember that there are plenty of opportunities available that don’t involve complex equations or calculations. So if math isn’t your forte–don’t worry! There are still plenty of opportunities available even without a background in it! With some research and dedication anyone can find success in this growing field!
By taking advantage of all the opportunities in computer science–whether they require math or not–you can still acquire valuable skills and experience while following your passions in this ever-evolving industry! Best wishes!
1. Do Your Research
The initial step in pursuing a career in computer science is to do your due diligence and research the field thoroughly. Even if you aren’t interested in every detail, having some general understanding of the skillsets needed and job opportunities available will give you an advantage when applying.
2. Consider Your Options
If you’re interested in a career in computer science, there are numerous options to consider. You could work in software development, web development, database administration or even teaching. Each area offers many specializations within it as well, so it’s essential that you consider all of your options before making a final decision.

3. Get a Degree
Although a degree isn’t essential to work in computer science, having one will give you an edge when applying for jobs. A degree will demonstrate to potential employers that you possess the necessary skills and knowledge needed to be successful within this field. There are various types of computer science degrees available so you can pick one that best suits your interests and objectives.
4. Find a Mentor
One of the best ways to learn more about computer science is by finding a mentor who can guide you through it. A mentor can answer any questions that arise and provide invaluable experience within the field. If you know someone in computer science, reach out and see if they’d be willing to mentor you.
5. Get Experience
In addition to finding a mentor, it’s essential to gain experience working with computers. This can be done through taking classes, joining online forums or even working on personal projects from home. The more hands-on experience you have, the better equipped you’ll be for a career in computer science.
6. Consider Your Skills
When considering a career in computer science, it’s essential to assess your abilities and determine if you possess the necessary qualities for success. Do your problem-solving abilities, critical thinking abilities, and computer proficiency all stack up? If yes to these questions, then computer science could be ideal for you.
7. Think About Your Goals
When considering a career in computer science, it’s essential to think about your long-term objectives. What do you hope to accomplish? Do you plan to work for an established company or launch your own venture? Knowing these objectives makes it much simpler to decide whether or not this field of work is suitable for you.
8. Weigh the Pros and Cons
Once you’ve done your due diligence and considered all options, it’s time to weigh the pros and cons of pursuing a career in computer science. Some benefits include high salaries, job security, and working with cutting-edge technology; on the other hand, there are long hours, stress, and competition for jobs. Ultimately, only you can decide if the advantages outweigh the drawbacks and whether this field of work is right for you.